Important Information

Pooping in the woods

Whether you're camping or just stranded someday, sooner or later you are going to need to know how to poop outdoors in a way that is safe for you and for the environment.

The first important thing to remember about pooping in the woods is to always head downstream from any area that you are planning to drink out of. If you are camping along the river and you do your business upstream, you run the risk of contaminating the water that you are going to be swimming, drinking, and bathing in; so always head downstream. Also, always head away from the waters edge; the further inland you are, the better chance you won't contaminate the water at all.

Part of pooping in the woods is knowing where not to poop. In order to avoid contamination you need to avoid anyone's well, and stay away from trails that other campers and hikers would use. In addition, you will want to avoid things that can harm you; for instance, poison ivy, poison oak, briars, and all the other types of plant life that can make your outdoor potty experience very, very uncomfortable.

Once you have found the perfect spot to poop, you will need to dig a hole. Ideally you should be carrying a small personal shovel just for this purpose. In a pinch, you can use your hands or a sharp stick to dig a hole. You will need to dig down about one foot, depending on how rocky or sandy the soil is. The idea is to give your poop a place to decompose that's close enough to the surface to get air for the decomposing process, but not so close to the surface that it will float up during the next hard rain.

With your hole dug and your area clear of dangers, now is the time to relieve yourself. Arranging your clothing so that it does not become soiled, squat over the hole and poop as you will. By the way, the hole that you dug shouldn't be more than 6 to 8 inches around. You do not want to dig a larger hole or a trench because then you run the risk of falling into it. This will ruin your outdoor elimination experience.

You're probably wondering, 'what about the toilet paper?'. When pooping in the woods, if at all possible you should try to pack out any non organic material. That means carrying along a resealable bag to put your used toilet paper in. Take it home to dispose of it properly. If your camping for an extended time and don't have a way to pack out your paper, you can bury it in your hole along with your poop. It won't be as good for the environment, but it won't be as gross as sticking it in your pocket for later. OR USE A STICK!!!!!!! - Dan's advice

Once you're finished pooping in the woods, it's time to fill up your hole. This is a very important step, because leaving an open potty hole means that sooner or later someone will come along and step in it. Not only is it going to be gross on their shoes, but also stepping into a hole (whether full or empty of poop) is a good way to damage an ankle. Use your personal shovel or your hands to scoop the dirt you dug out right back into the hole, and pack it down loosely. Packing it down too tightly can make it more difficult to decompose.

These instructions have been for a one time use personal potty hole. If you are planning to camp for an extended time period or with a large group; you will need to dig a deeper and more involved latrine system.